How to edit or update a donation


Donations Page

Convention of States works with a third party organization named Anedot to process donations (just like when you use a card reader at a grocery store). Anedot is where your donation information is stored, and you can access it at any time through your personal Anedot DonorID. Anedot is the go-to place to personally manage your COS Patriots Club monthly donation!

Login to Anedot or create a new account
  1. Go to
  2. Login by entering the email address you used to set up your monthly donation.
    IMPORTANT: If you are creating a new account, make sure to confirm your email. Otherwise you will not be able to see your donations!
  3. Create or enter your password.
How To Update Your Monthly Donation on Anedot
    1. Login at
    2. Once logged in, access the DONOR PROFILE tab from the lefthand menu.
    3. Then select the COMMITMENTS tab from the menu.
    4. Next to the commitment you wish to update, select ACTIONS, then select EDIT.
    5. In the EDIT COMMITMENT menu, make any edits you desire, these include: date, amount, payment info, and more.
    6. Click SAVE before exiting.
How To Cancel Your Monthly Donation on Anedot
    1. Login at
    2. Once logged in, access the DONOR PROFILE tab from the lefthand menu.
    3. Then select the COMMITMENTS tab from the menu.
    4. Click the ACTIONS button next to the commitment you wish to cancel.
    5. Click CANCEL.
    6. Provide the reason for your cancellation request when prompted.
    7. Click SAVE before exiting.
Have more questions that are not answered here?
      1. Check for more answers at Anedot Help.
      2. Or, Contact COS Patriots Club.