What will Convention of States accomplish with your gift?
Monthly donors help us reach, educate, and engage citizen activists as they work in their communities to put limits on an out-of-control federal government via an expansive grassroots operation that isactive in all 50 states.
The COS Resolution is active in many state legislative sessions. When the COS Resolution is nearing a vote in committee or on thefloor, COS strategically mobilizes our grassrootsarmy—through email, text, and phone alerts—to connect with and positively influence their state legislators.
In 1776, the Continental Army was made up of Patriots like you. They knew that they were facing an incredible threat, and yet they pledged their Lives, Fortunes, and Sacred Honor to each other to overthrow the greatest military power on earth. Together, they overthrew a very real threat to their liberties. Today, it’s up to us to do the same. Only $1 per day!
The journey of our activists begins with signing the COS Petition. Therefore, growing our base of petition signers contributes to the growth of America’s largest liberty-loving grassroots army. Statesmen members also allow for free education and engagement training for our grassroots army.
Your support can solve one of the biggest challenges COS faces in reaching and educating citizens about the U.S. Constitution and the Article V process. FOUNDERS make it possible for COS to have a strong presence at public events such as town halls, gun shows, county fairs, state fairs, and other similar venues. COS provides educational materials to reach, teach, and recruit citizen activists.
All PATRIOT, STATESMAN, and FOUNDER Membership Tiers will receive a COS Patriot Club pin and a 15% OFF coupon for the COS online store—Article V Outfitters. Bonus gifts are awarded after 6 months of consecutive paid membership in the Patriot Tier or above.